It’s Grab A Book Season

I love sharing what find with you.  I stumbled upon this list of 10 books for career women and I’ve already ordered 3 of them.  Here is the list:

1. Knowing Your Value: Women, Money, and Getting What You’re Worth

by Mika Brzezinski

Read this book if you need advice and confidence to ask for a raise this year! Brzezinski is the co-host of Morning Joe and took a fascinating approach to telling her story of how she finally asked for more late(r) in her career.

2. The Best Advice I Ever Got: Lessons from Extraordinary Livesby Katie Couric

Couric has access to some of the most fascinating people in the world. This book is for you if you want to be inspired to take risks and push yourself.

3. Ask For It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get What They Really Wantby Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever

This is the book for you if you’re interested in why you may not be asking for more and how to overcome your fears of doing so. Babcock provides practical steps to get you comfortable with asking for what you want this year.

4. Brag!: The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn without Blowing Itby Peggy Klaus

Self-promotion is awkward. Klaus’ book helps to understand why you need to brag and how to do it in a way that makes you comfortable. Some of the suggestions are a bit of a stretch, but if you pull out a couple of her tips you’ll be well on your way to being a better advocate for yourself.

5. How Remarkable Women Lead: The Breakthrough Model for Work and Lifeby Joanna Barsh and Susie Cranston

Barsh is a senior director at McKinsey & Company and has access to some of the most influential businesswomen in the world. In this book, she works to understand how these women became successful and how they get after it each and every day. Read this if you want to be inspired and learn about the key factors women leaders have in common. Hint: Optimism is one of them.

6. 20-Something, 20-Everything: A Quarter-life Woman’s Guide to Balance and Direction 

by Christine Hassler

Levo LOVES Christine. This book can provide that pick-me-up when you’re in a slump and want to know that it will be okay. This book will help you feel better about yourself, love yourself, and help you build better relationships with those in your life.

7. Basic Black: The Essential Guide for Getting Ahead at Work (and in Life)by Cathie Black

Black shares some of the crazier things people have done to get her attention when she was the president of Hearst, and she also talks about the importance of hard work. Read this if you are interested in the business side of publishing, or just want to learn about what it was like to convince Oprah to make a magazine.

8. Getting from College to Career Rev Ed: Your Essential Guide to Succeeding in the Real Worldby Lindsey Pollak

Pollak nails it: Getting from college to career is a harsh life transition. The suggestions in her book will help everyone from you, the college seniors to their parents.

9. Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office: Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers (A NICE GIRLS Book)by Lois P. Frankel

In this series, Frankel picks out interesting habits of both successful and unsuccessful men and women for you to learn from. If you want to learn the habits that could be holding you back, this is the book for you.

10. Bossypantsby Tina Fey

Want to laugh and learn? This book is full of quotables and it will literally make you LOL. Plus, the advice is so spot on that you’ll finish the book with a renewed sense of confidence.

Me? Work? From Home? With A Baby?

When I found out I was pregnant with my son, I knew that I wouldn’t put him in daycare, that was out of the question. I knew I would have to figure out some way to work and stay at home. 

Seems pretty easy, right? Plenty of companies hire employees to work from home or hire independent contractors. 

Here’s the kicker – you need a quiet, distraction free workspace! My son isn’t a distraction, he’s 3 months so it’s not like he’s running around the house, jumping off things, climbing up things or (Heaven forbid) breaking things … BUT he loves to talk and he’s not always so quiet about sharing what’s on his mind! I absolutely LOVE hearing his voice and all of the beautiful sounds he makes. 

So, what’s the problem? There goes my “quiet workspace.” I wouldn’t dare trade the conversations with him for anything but realistically I’m not exactly rich so I’ll need a steady paycheck. 

I had it all planned out in my mind. My plan was to find a job and work while my son naps or while he sleeps at night … since he does (or used to) sleep through the night. *I’m not quite sure what sleeping schedule he’s adopted. Kid turns 3 months and suddenly wants to sleep all day and party all night. 

Oh, to be young, wild and free! 

This great idea is proving to be harder than I thought. Finding a job with decent pay that allows me the flexibility to make my own schedule is a job in itself. Not to mention those nights when my son decides to stay up until 4am or when he decides during the day that he doesn’t want to nap but would rather have mommy hold him for hours or just feeling really goofy and wants to play. How do you discipline yourself to get back to the grind? Definitely harder than I thought but here’s where I practice what I preach and put my scheduling, organization and time management skills to the test. I can do it! 

Because I’m every woman! 

I’m a mom. 

I maintain a household. 

I cook. 

I clean. 

I shop. 

I pay bills. 

I’m generous. 

I give. 

I love. 

I’m a daughter. 

I’m a sister. 

I’m smart. 

I’m persistent. 

I’m courageous. 

I’m spontaneous. 

I’m his. 

I’m just like you. 

And the list goes on!

#motherhood #celebratewomen and men too! 


Oh, Friday!

pic courtesy of Google

Each week brings something new, different, exciting and/or challenging. A new spot on my blog will be “Oh, Friday!” where I’ll share my top 3/4 favorite or most memorable things from the week. 

  • This week my son is 3 months! I’m so honored and blessed to have him. Who would have thought that at 3 months, my son would teach me how to be more patient, slow down and be less self centered? Hmm! He’s doing so many new things and he’s so funny!! My hearts contentment. 
  • The Have And The Have Nots! If you watch this show, you’ll know that this week’s episode was a knee-slapper. Erica turning on Candace, Katheryn moving out on Jim while he sits in office totally oblivious, Melissa slitting her wrist, Q getting shot … OMG. 
  • Greenleaf is back!! Such a good show and I just love that Oprah Winfrey is actually acting. She’s such a strong character.  I couldn’t wait for the season premier and it didn’t disappoint. 
  • A visit from Patrice! One of my good friends came by with her 2 year old daughter to visit with us. I made dinner for us and I must say I had the best time catching up with her. In a little over 2 hours I think we talked about everything that we needed to get out. The last time we actually saw each other was in 2013, I was a bridesmaid in her beautiful wedding! Yep, 2013! Now, she’s married (I’m … not) and we both have babies. #life The most fascinating part is it was like we’d just talked the day before. We didn’t miss a beat! Gotta love those friendships! 

It’s important to take some time to reflect on the good things, no matter how small. Life is a precious gift. Love it! & live it! 

I would love to hear about your week! Share any memorable moments!! 😊

~ xoxo Shelita

You’re a mom! What the heck is time management?

As a first-time mom, instead of sleeping when the baby sleeps, I found myself just watching him sleep. Then when he wakes up I beat myself up because I should have been washing dishes, starting dinner, doing laundry, brainstorming, or anything other than staring at my son while he sleeps.

There’s just something about that peaceful slumber that lets my little naive mind believe that all is not lost in humanity. Wishful thinking.

Prioritizing my day and scheduling almost everything is important, especially as a stay-at-home mom. Between caring for my son and getting my business up and running (which, in case you didn’t know, is a beastly journey) I still must tend to the household chores, cooking and regular errands! Doesn’t seem like much but boy, oh boy, it’s plenty.

I had to come up with a system to keep my life from just being a box of puzzle pieces waiting to be put together. If you’re looking for ways to organize, get your day going (and keep going) see below.


Pic Courtesy : Google

Get focused! First things first.

  • Wake up earlier! Rise and shine before the hubby is up for work and before the kids start screaming for breakfast.
  • Meditate! Center your energy and create a mindset of peace. You will be amazed at how differently you will be able to handle the tasks that will come 90mph.
  • Devotionals! Whatever it takes to create peace. Spend about 5-10 minutes reading your daily devotionals. This will also help you remain focused and positive.
  • Affirmations! This is my favorite. I like to write my daily affirmations in my planner so that I can see them on a regular basis. I also make sure that whenever I look at them I speak them aloud. Makes it more real. 😊

Plan the work. Then work the plan.

  • Plan! I use a planner to write down everything I need to do. I try to schedule my things in increments so that I can take a break and keep the balance.
  • Stick to the schedule! … as much as possible, otherwise it’s pointless.
  • Stay organized! Use sticky notes, lists, alarms, set reminders or pop-ups to help you stay on track.
  • Turn off notifications! Set a time for checking social media, emails, and returning phone calls.
  • Work when you’re most productive! Early bird or night owl.
  • Prep for tomorrow! Before going to bed or calling it a day, try to make a list of things to get done for tomorrow (include things that you didn’t get to today) and prioritize them accordingly.

Take Breaks / Set Realistic Expectations

  • Work. Life. Balance. Don’t be so busy making a living that you forget to have a life.
  • Balance your schedule to include quality time with your significant other and playtime (or just I Love You time) with the kiddos.
  • Take time for yourself. Take a break from the work to get a whiff of fresh air or just to take your eyes off your computer screen or phone screen.

Celebrate / Reward yourself

  • Whenever your work week is over (remember to take a day off) reward yourself. An hour-long bubble bath, a glass of wine or something a little more hardcore, a massage, mani/pedi, bake those chocolate chip cookies & have them with a scoop of your favorite ice cream … or whatever helps you relax. With all that you’ve accomplished in one week, you deserve it. Do this whether you work from home or outside of the home. 🙂


#celebratemotherhood #momlife #mommyingislife #stayathomemom #workfromhome #worklifebalance